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Re: [school-discuss] National educational file format
all books for the disabled at most state libraries at least attempt to adhere
to these guidelines, as they have been particularly successful at making
materials unavailable rather than available.
one of the stated objectives of the standard is to encourage, or at least
provide a "friendly" environment for, patented technologies.
i think it is not very attractive to open source developers.
mike eschman, etc ...
> While looking through the site (even though I still could not
> find any reference to the NFF being non-proprietary), I noticed
> that there is an ANSI/NISO standard for talking books -
> http://www.loc.gov/nls/z3986/ Is there anybody using open-source
> products that implement this standard (I don't have an immediate
> need, just curious)?
(http://www.etc-edu.com ) Not just an afterthought ...