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[school-discuss] Post your stuff on news.schoolforge.net
Well, I think I've aligned the news-journal site more or less with seul-edu's
project list. Here are the categories (and number of stories in each) today:
About (SF) (1/0)
Advocacy (1/0)
Announce (SF) (8/0)
Apps for Ed (3/0)
Books/Texts for Ed (7/0)
Case Studies/Stories (0/0)
Community (SF) (11/0)
Docs/How-to\'s (0/0)
Help - Give & Get (0/0)
Journal (0/0)
News of Note (3/0)
1. Each project rep is invited to post in Announce or Community for starters,
but everyone is invited to post everywhere. If you're a rep and you don't have
an account with story moderation privilges, sign up and/or write me with details.
2. I've given myself the job of posting latest apps news. Others are invited to
help with the same for case studies and Docs so we get some blood flowing
between them.
3. Help - Give & Get is my latest idea for how to get willing helpers and needy
helpless together. If you want yourself known as a possible volunteer or paid
helper for schools, please post a bit about yourself and a contact address.
We'll encourage school reps to take advantage of this list.
4. Docs - Seul/edu has a great project idea. If you can to contribute docs about
some app or material, please do and we'll try to post a pointer to it as doc news.
5. Same with Case Studies.
6. Same with Apps.
So much for alphabetical order.
7. Anyone who wants to contribute good advocacy articles so people can easily
find argument support, please do. I will try to glean it from the list when ever
I have time. Help is always appreciated.
8. Mike Escham has forged a new path: not a book yet, but definitely an
educational text, his Solar System series is a nice model of an open source doc
text for ed. Let's emulate him. Like any open source tool, his can be adapted to
different audiences and uses. On news.schoolforge.net it's in html. Pretty
Now, I think this might be a nice intermediary site (between heavy users on this
list and light users learning to use a Web browser). Some of you may remember
that I first meant to do a journal. That's coming back. But if you have ideas of
how I'm off-track of what the group wants/needs. Speak up. I've tried to err on
the side of useful to more of us rather than fewer.
You know we can enable the site in about ten languages if someone wants to
hitchhike on the existing installation to do a version in their local language.
Content need not be exactly the same. We'd have to think it out. Maybe someone
would want another installation. That would be easy enough.
Best wishes,
http://members.iteachnet.org/webzine *
http://opensourceschools.org *
http://schoolforge.net *
http://www.over-seas.com *
http://www.rose-marie.ac.th *