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[school-discuss] Re: [seul-edu] Linux in Academia
Have you considered doing this as an open content project on
http://www.wikibooks.org? I think they support multi-lingual resources,
being based on the wikipedia code, and you can get help from other list
- Yishay
Janus Sandsgaard wrote:
Does anyone here know about newsgroups or mailing lists dealing with Linux
at higher educations, such a university? I am especially interested in
initiatives related to social science and humanities, which are traditionally
not hot spots for Linux.
I am writing a book in Danish about Linux power tools (KDE, LyX, BibTex,
OpenOffice.org etc.) for non-technical students and scientists at university,
and I am thinking about doing it in English as a parallel projects. But first
I am interested in knowing if somebody are already working with this?
Yishay Mor
y.mor@ioe.ac.uk Ph +44(0)20 7612 6963 F +44(0)20 7612 6964
AIM,Yahoo: yishaym; Jabber: yishaym@jabber.org; ICQ: 179772099
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