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Re: [school-discuss] One Laptop Per Child?


I am struck by your opinion and what I think that the kids do not need:

1) adults who will on their behalf allow access to tools for learning and prevent them to use various tools for learning because "adults think what is the best for them how to learn"
2) adults who will always force them accept their personal authenticity as understood by adults
3) adults who preach technology and prevent kids to access technology

best wishes,


On 1/2/07, Anthony Papillion <anthony@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
I couldn't agree more.
Since I first heard of the OLPC program, I've found it insane.
When your world is dominated by where your next meal is coming from and IF your next meal is coming, you probably aren't too concerned about things like PC's, the Internet, etc.
This is one project that should die an early and fast death.
Anthony Papillion
Advanced Data Concepts
Ph: (918) 926-0139
----- Original Message -----
From: ààààààà|Praveen
To: fci-education-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; schoolgnu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ; Principal Support List of FSF-India
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2007 8:17 AM
Subject: [school-discuss] One Laptop Per Child?

An interesting article by one of the GNU Classpath Developer Roma Kennke http://kennke.org/blog/2006/12/21/one-laptop-per-child/

He thinks what our children really need are:

* Parents.
* Time to learn.
* Childhood.

and they don't need:

* Floods of information and media.
* Plastic toys
* And certainly, kids don't need a computer

I really liked this article and agree with some of his views.


"Value your freedom, or you will lose it, teaches history.
`Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn."
         -- Richard Stallman
Me scribbles at http://www.pravi.co.nr