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FW: [school-discuss] Updated Coalition Procedures - Members sign up here

As no response has been forthcoming in the past 15 days, this email is being reposted.
Please respond at your earliest possible convenience.
Michael Viron
President & CEO
General Education Online

From: owner-schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Michael Viron
Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2006 11:32 AM
To: schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: FW: [school-discuss] Updated Coalition Procedures - Members sign up here

In your latest email, you still have not addressed my earlier concerns mentioned on December 15th, specifically the following:
1) Who decides to close a current members standing in the Schoolforge Coalition?
2) Why are previous active members of Schoolforge now having to "re-apply" for membership?
3) What are the procedures to close / revoke an organizations membership?  How is the organization notified?  Is there a possibility of appeal?
Thank you for your time,
Michael Viron
President & CEO
General Education Online, A Schoolforge Founding Member
International Education Resources, A General Education Online organization

From: owner-schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Justin
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 8:37 AM  
To: schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [school-discuss] Updated Coalition Procedures - Members sign up here

Michael, these are good questions. 

I must again mention something regarding the narrow definition of "FLOSS" on the website which seems to indicate that "free / open resources" are not welcome as members of schoolforge.  This is in direct contradiction to the founding principles which allowed for those projects that provide web-based open resources which may or may not include providing a copy of the underlying "software" that powers the site."

Actually, there are no contradictions to the founding principles in this definition.  Over the years since the founding principles were laid out, the 'web services' landscape has made enough ground that we can start to see what utilities share our view of free and open, and can be used to create even better resources in the future. A site such as Wikipedia, for example, serves as an example of a 'web service' that is free and open - and facilitates the principles of unity and resource building through collaboration that SchoolForge was founded on. 

Free (cost wise) resources are a great thing, but using that along with SchoolForge principles seems flawed.  An example could be that Mac offered to provide their operating system free to the OLPC project for free, which was turned down on the basis that it's not open source.  I think Microsoft has offered their OS for free to schools that were going with open source alternatives.  In both of these cases, it's the licensing of the open source tools that has prompted a response of lower costs/free resources.

As for SchoolForge Coalition membership, for now your entries are rejected.  I think what you provide are wonderful resources, and I invite you to resubmit your request when your resources can be accessed without any question as to whether they meet the definition of "FLOSS" as provided on the website.  I'm willing to work with you towards reaching that, but if that isn't the direction you want to go - please make this point clear.
