On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 12:31 PM, Joel Kahn
<jj2kk4@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Is the FLOSS community doing anything
I am involved with two projects attempting to do similar things.
1) Partimus.org
2) DigitalTippingPoint.com
Partimus.org is a non-profit that has brought FOSS into 3 Bay Area Schools, supports a fourth, and will probably soon be bringing FOSS into a 5th school here in the SF Bay Area.
Digital Tipping Point is a community project that strives to make a documentary movie out of the work of Partimus volunteers. One of the taglines we are experimenting with for the DTP is "Set One School Free". The idea is that if people see what the Partimus.org volunteers have been doing for 5.5 years, others will try to imitate it or support it financially.