More going on in the K12 space... searching NECC 2009 workshops & presentations yielded some individual efforts: 2.0 .: Open Technology Resources :. Open Source Software Solutions for K-12 Open Options | What are educators using? Open Options | Why do educators choose it? Open Options | On the backend etcoss-school.pdf (application/pdf Object) buchanan_krasnoff_libraries.pdf (application/pdf Object) TaskCommercial ApplicationAprox. Cost per SeatOpen SourceCostOperating SystemMicrosoft Windows$150 Linux K12LTSP$0 OfficeMS Office$161 Open Office, etc.$0 GraphicsPhotoshop$274 GIMP / CinePaint$0 GeometryGeometer's Sketchpad$30 Dr. Geo$0 Server seatsMS Windows Server seat license$40 Linux SAMBA / LDAP domain$0