Yes, yes . . . the website looks great. Many thanks to you who worked on it. Marilyn :)
On 18.01.2012 08:39pm, Justin Riddiough wrote:
Just wanted to say I like the anti-SOPA /PIPA message on the home page. Also liked the consensus building and discussion that went around deciding the best way for the community to voice it's opposition.
Thanks David Bucknell and everyone else that participated in the discussion. I'm thinking that each of these different communities that mulled over whether or not to participate are rightly proud that they did.
:-) Nice work everyoneOn Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 2:39 PM, Joel Kahn <jj2kk4@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
An update from the combat zone:
As the old saying goes... If enough people will lead, sometimes
the leaders just might follow.
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