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Re: [school-discuss] Discussion About Linux on Linkedin
> I'd be curious about how the end user enjoys working with Linux. Us
> techies can overlook problems or make a random connection with a
> Linux device,
> but I know there are teachers that would be completely confused.
> Students would be confused as well, especially if there are
> Chromebooks/PCs/Macs in the building.
School District 73 has rolled out Linux desktops to all elementary and secondary schools in our district since 2006. Success boils down to:
1) Ease of use buttons on a good-looking desktop:
- Web, Email, Writer, Documents + for staff(Report Cards, Attendance)
2) Rock solid stable. Thousands of kids and staff log in, get stuff done, and log out with no issues. No spy-ware, add-on-bars, viruses, hard-drive failures etc. If there is an issue it has been programed to auto-correct the issue or staff and students know they can click a button to reset the desktop or browser settings.
3) Ability to change, modify and customize, hundreds of stations and thousands of accounts centrally. So if something isn't quite right or needs updating, it can be fixed within a few minutes instead of weeks.
In 2013 we are also trying out Linux Chromebooks - which is essentially Gentoo Linux + a Browser. Biggest hurdle is that Wireless is not so rock solid - but we are working on it.
> I want kids to pick up a device and get going into the curriculum and
> creation, not learning one of the 100's of Linux versions...
> Am I being too harsh? Thoughts?
Not harsh at all. I agree 100%!. Here only 1 or two IT staff beta test which Linux version will be the most stable for the entire district. Bugs are worked out then the one image is installed on the server in each school. The workstations boot and run off the network as disk-less clients. Flash, Java, Chrome updates are done centrally usually at the end of the work day for all stations in the district. Staff/students can move from school to school and experience the same login/desktop software everywhere they go - which makes training and support easy - because everyone knows how to use the tool set.
Dean Montgomery
Network Support Tech./Programmer
School District #73
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