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Re: [school-discuss] Can some one pls. answer this Q. for me.
Dear colleague,
would you please forward this to all those who might be interested :-)!
Best regards,
Ilpo Halonen
ESPfi coordinator
Learning Goes Mobile - a Collaborative Knowledge Building Conference on
New Media, Learning and Schools
19th conference of the European Schools Project ESP
Date: March 10-13, 2005
Place: Järvenpää/Helsinki, Finnland March 10-11,
and a cruise on board Helsinki -
Stockholm - Hki, March 11-13, 2005.
URL: http://esp.eduprojects.net/en/esp19eng.html
Submissions: November 15, 2004
in collaboration with the Comenius 3 networks Comp@ct and ECOLE
The 19th ESP Conference Program Committee cordially invites you to
submit proposals for original, unpublished presentations focusing on:
* collaborative projects in the Internet,
* virtual and geographic mobility of learners,
* the best practices of ICT in education,
* global use of learning objects,
* a dialogue between open and not-open source software in education.
Summaries not exceeding 250 words should be submitted (in plain text
format)to mail@educlick.biz for review and possible inclusion in the
program, not later than November 15, 2004. Participation on your own
cost. Estimated conference costs 400 - 450 euro including accommodation
and food, both on land and on board.
NB! Comenius contact seminars included.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
* collaborative project methods in my subject and/or my school
* virtual and geographic learner meetings
* community building as means of promoting eLearning
* virtual learning environments in everyday school life
* introducing digital learning objects into my subject
* use of digital video/TV in schools
* organizing computer-mediated work in
school/educational institute
* proportioning asynchronous and synchronous work in eLearning
* whole day school day (8-16) and eLearning
* (wireless) Internet in the classroom
* out-of-classroom practices by means of ICT
* peer to peer networking in educational use
* next generation mobile networks in schools
* prospects of mobile learning in education
* wireless technology - mobilization of learning
* open source in education
* training teachers and/or headteachers in eLearning
* developing media didactics
* introducing international dimension in schools
* bringing cross-curricular issues into curriculum
* implementing ICT strategies into everyday school life
* safety of the Internet in respect of schools
For additional information, please contact esp19@ilpohalonen.com , or in
case of presentation about a dialogue between Open source and commercial
code software, to Teemu.Leinonen@uiah.fi . Your email subject line should
include "ESP-2005".