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[school-discuss] 'open culture' conference, Milan, june 27-29, 2005 - txt
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Thank you
Paolo Pumilia
tel. +39 (0)2 3654 4063
cell: +39 347 2315 496
-- enc
Open Culture: accessing and sharing Knowledge
scholarly production and education in the digital age
Sala delle Lauree di Scienze, Via Festa del Perdono 7, Milan (Italy)
June 27-29 2005 - [http://openculture.org/milan-2005] - The eExplor Project
Within the freely accessible Internet-based digital infrastructure, new
communities are forming and growing whose aim is to seek innovation
in the process of knowledge building, exchanging, re-assembling and
While those involved in those creative activities are prompted by
various motivations, a common belief is often shared that knowledge
cannot be considered an exclusive property of those who discovered
it. Benefits will follow, in terms of feedback from peers and on the
financial side as well, by spreading out results, under the least
restrictions as possible, while invoking international law to protect
authorship rights.
Among the many fields involved, special relevance is given to the
broadly scientific and educational areas due to their impact on society
as a whole. Here, within the new collaborative knowledge creation and
sharing framework two main components can be identified:
* the open source inspired way to broaden the educational community
through the developing and sharing of learning content (`open content
* the open access model, the meeting point of a number of disciplines
and approaches, information retrieval, library and information sciences
management, knowledge management.
The Conference Aims
The conference offers administrators of public repositories, publishing
houses, researchers and teachers at broad as authors a forum for
scholarly discussion about the role and future of open culture for
knowledge creation and sharing: In particular:
* providing authors a picture of the most remarkable and successful
cases in open access and open content development and recognizing
success factors of open access and open content development besides the
target community.
* identifying barriers and obstacles to knowledge sharing, noticeably
those bound to intellectual property rights management and analyzing
the legal framework fostering the growing community involved in open
access and open content development, focusing both on the relevance of
copyrighted and public domain materials.
* deepen the discussion about quality assessment in the open access and
open content development.
* highlighting business models integrating open access and open content
development into traditional commmercial markets.
Your comments about the Conference Themes and the Round Tables Topics
will be very appreciated:
* [http://www.eexplor.org/open-culture/milan-2005/wiki/TheThemes]
* [http://www.eexplor.org/open-culture/milan-2005/wiki/TheRoundTables]
* Registration site: [http://www.aepic.it/conf/registration.php?cf=3]
* Registration fee (including VAT): 84 (AICA Fellows:60 Students:30)
* More info at: [http://eexplor.org/open-culture/milan-2005]
or write to [Paolo.Pumilia@xxxxxxx]