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Re: [school-discuss] entered video contest
Le 05/06/2012 17:33, marilyn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a Ãcrit :
> At the last minute (yesterday) I entered a video contest for open
> educational resources that I had mentioned earlier on this list. The
> other project I was involved in fell through. The theme is dyslexia,
> but I credit the open source packages I used for graphics and editing at
> the end. They are probably looking for much flashier videos - but
> hopefully it will help spread the word about dyslexia. My son, Sam is
> in it.
> http://youtu.be/h0OuVuE0tKA
Here is the French side of this courageous call for open resources.
From an ex-teacher who was so happy to rely upon free software for her
dyslexic pupils, and others...
Ann from Bordeaux
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