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Fwd: [school-discuss] Accounting software

Dear Loris,

This is a great idea. I've registered and had a look (in English, I'm afraid) and looked at the blog. I set up a "firm" and my first account ("food"), and it let me choose the local currency (THB). Now, the rest, so far seems to be like using a normal accounting tool -- it asks me to make choices that require understanding of accounting terminology. Is this tool meant to be used only with a knowledgeable teacher at this point or are there lessons, yet?

Keep up the nice work,


----- Message from Loris Tissino <loris.tissino@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ---------
    Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 21:30:44 +0200
    From: Loris Tissino <loris.tissino@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 Subject: [school-discuss] Accounting software
      To: schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hello, everybody.

I would like to know if basic accounting (double entry bookkeping) is
taught in (some of the) secondary schools in your countries.

I have been developing a web application, DELT (Double Entry Learning
Tool) that focuses in what is considered relevant in the Italian
schools where the subject is taught (technical economic institutes),
but since it is internationalized, it could be easily used abroad, and
I'd like to receive some feedback and ideas for further development.

The software is released under GNU GPL Affero License, and is available at

There is also an installation already running at http://learndoubleentry.org.


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----- End message from Loris Tissino <loris.tissino@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> -----

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