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Re: [school-discuss] Collecting Assessments at District Level
- To: schoolforge-discuss@schoolforge.net,Stephen Braunius <sbrauniu@zeeland.k12.mi.us>
- Subject: Re: [school-discuss] Collecting Assessments at District Level
- From: mikee <meschman@engima.com>
- Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 13:22:01 -0600
- Cc: "Dr. Leigh T. Barton" <leigh.barton@jppss.k12.la.us>,"Dr. Lonnie Luce" <alonzo_luce@nops.k12.la.us>,Andrew Pareti <Andrew@webdsi.com>,Charles Redfearn <Charles.Redfearn@jppss.k12.la.us>,Don Nemeth <donn@fpsnet.com>, Doug Loss <drloss@suscom.net>,Jonathan Grimm <johng@engima.com>,Marion McCurdy <mmccurdy@us.ibm.com>,Michael Hart <hart@beryl.ils.unc.edu>, Mike Foley <mike@webdsi.com>,Quan Vu <quanhoangvu@hotmail.com>, Tom Scates <scates@attglobal.net>,cslagle@caddo.k12.la.us, mark ragel <meragel@yahoo.com>
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- Delivery-Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 14:25:14 -0500
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On Scaling : --> fitting data topology to need and demand.
two seperate factors must be scaled :
(1) Quantity
If I must keep 10,000 100 byte records (A) per 9 week term,
with four measured terms per year
then the volume of the data will grow by
4A per annum.
this is a number all your vendors need.
(2) Accessability
if one hundred users access together the average wait is ~
% fails rises on slope @ with volume to M
you respond to these motivations by publishing agreed to service levels.
this ties service to a transactional cost.
"Within 30 days, late orders 72 hour delivery on notification of tardiness
and so on ..
benefit --> you can observe tradeoffs between cost, effectiveness and public
image. (Response time and failure rate are the major impacts of record keeping
operations on public image of the institution. ( Purely based on
observation, not statistics. )
let's take :
50 folders of 100 bytes each :
5000 bytes - 50 folders by one backup : 10000 bytes - 100 folders
by 40000-400 (four measured terms) annual
for 10 users with 8 record accesses over the total population of folders :
10x8x400 = 32,000 accesses
if all accesses occur exactly on the four term boundaries
on a single 6 hour day in each of these four instances
and an average fetch is one minute user time (at the client / terminal )
each day you can do 360 transactions
but you need to do 8000 in this period
so you can either :
a : drop the transaction time. at one second, it's at 21,600 - overshoot !
b: lengthen the publishing period. at 6 days of 7 hours each 2520 (not good
enough to meet anticipated demand).
these worst case rough cuts establish scalibility goals - the end points.
this approach lets you size the ruler you're going to use.
vendor relationships could start with this number ?
my "hunch" is that growth in accesses for a given folder show high demand for
at most 5 measured terms to span years, then they decline on an exponentially
increasing ( if negativce ? ) slope i.e. people look at newer records more
than older records and that as the distance along that line increases so does
you can design a solution with these numbers.
i would use two brand new wal-mart 1gig athalons
with 2 40 gig drives
and 256 meg memory
and standard redhat 7.2
maybe swapping out some parts
more than enough to do the job, but,
price and value count too :-)
there are better math guys than me on every street corner,
so the idea is a little rough cut, but
... well - you tell me.
mike eschman, etc ...
not just an afterthought
On Wednesday 13 March 2002 09:48 am, Stephen Braunius wrote:
> Thanks for the response! I'll try to clarify my situation by responding
> to your questions:
> Les Richardson wrote:
> >1) What format are the assessment items in now? Are they in just raw text
> >or are they marked up in some fashion...Tex, HTML, etc. or are they just
> >collections of files in proprietary formats like Word, Wordperfect, etc?
> Currently we are collecting or converting all assessment data into CSV
> files using either FMPro or Excel. These assessments are typically
> either percents or scales from 1-4. Everything is currently tagged to
> our district assigned student id's. These assessments are created as a
> part of our curriculum rewrite/revisit process.
> >2) How do you want these items to be assembled into tests?
> The assessments are actually cumulative scores (kind of like final
> grades).
> >3) How are you going to classify these items so that they can be usefully
> >retrieved?
> This is what I am struggling with. I don't know how best to store the
> data to be meaningful over a long period of time. Is it best to have a
> table with characteristics of each assessment (year given, score type,
> scale, quantatative/qualitative, curricular area, etc) and a table with
> just data and the associated test?
> >4) What kind of output formats do you want to generate?
> I would like an individual teacher to be able to pull up information
> about each student, the average for their class, and the average for the
> building in each area.
> >5) Who has access both for retrieval and for entry/editing of existing
> >items?
> Currently all entry is coordinated by me using CSV files imported into
> MySQL with with fields like this: student id, score1, score2, etc. They
> are then associated with a table that has some very general test
> information.
> >So, I'm willing to help out with some opinions or code if you wish. I use
> >a MySQL database and Perl/DBI for my testbank. Markup is either raw text
> >or TeX for the items.
> Thanks for the offer. I enjoyed looking at the testbank stuff you have
> created. It looks like you have already worked through a lot of the
> items for how to collect assessment data. I wish there were some site
> out there that has a diagram for how best to create the database tables
> for creating an academic assessment warehouse.
> Wow, if anyone made it to the end of this email and actually understood
> what I was saying I would be amazed. ;^)
> I'll see how many people have ideas on this topic and will then probably
> contact you outside of this list since the topic probably isn't of
> interest to everyone. Thanks again for sharing your work.