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[school-discuss] Re: [seul-edu] Sourceforge Petition
On Sun, 17 Mar 2002 7:08 am, Matt Jezorek wrote:
> I would like to get the petition I am working on reviewed. My Spelling
> kinda sucks due to being a progamer. I have been trying to get SourceForge
> to create an educational Foundry for about a year now and maybe a petition
> will help. Please check it out and feel free to correct spelling mistakes,
> grammer, or re-write it completely and dont forget to sign it.
> http://www.bluelinux.org/sf/petition.php
I don't think the last sentence quite works. In fact, I'm not quite sure
what you mean to say. Do you mean to say:
By teaching the youth about open source and lowering schools technology
budget we can look forward to the spread of knowledge of, and education about
Open Source software.
This then, is a somewhat redundant statement.
What about:
By teaching the youth about open source and lowering schools technology
budget we can both increase the awareness of Open Source software in current
and future generations and free up resources in education to be spent where
it is really needed.
or possibly:
By teaching the youth about open source we can increase the awareness of Open
Source software in current and future generations, thereby increasing both
the user and developer base of Open Source software and generally snowballing
the 'Open Source' effect. This also has the benefit of allowing
resources that would be spent on closed source software to be spent in areas
where it is really needed.
In case it is not clear, the 'Open Source' effect is a reference to the
'better software faster' in the quote immediately prior to this sentence.
Anyway, it is after midnight here and I should be asleep. Perhaps people in
timezones other than Australia can look at this with somewhat more awake eyes.