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Re: [school-discuss] article about schoolforge
we (at http://www.engima.com) are in the process of joining up,
by the end of the month at latest. we have done multiple linux-on-mainframe
installations and have a variety of products for schools. if any of the
membership likes our "Time Machine" readings they should suggest some books
(from gutenberg at http://www.promo.net/pg/ ) and we'll do them.
they are mp3 files, so low network stress. of course you can download them
for free.
does anyone have an interest in doing live broadcast of school plays or
concerts ?
in maintaing a jutebox of those performances ?
in using php-nuke to maintain a website with a database backend ?
we'd being willing to help, to fufill our school forge obligations ...
just ask.
mike eschman, etc...
On Tuesday 19 March 2002 04:20 pm, you wrote:
> Could all members and supporters search their minds for possible
> contributions to news about schoolforge and post them to the list under the
> subject "article" or "article about schoolforge"? Let's collect what we can
> and have a look at it.
> Thank you,
> David