Thanks for clearing that up Tom. I think the main issue is that in
education, real value comes from the FLOSS nature of OO. Education is
going to be more open to solutions that are, well, more open. I think n the long term
SUN should concentrate big SO incentives for business and government
sectors, while supporting OO penetration into education. Sure some
school business programs and school administrations will opt for SO
over MS Office or OO, but for many education uses SO and MSO are
overkill, while OO is good enough and "free".
- cameron
Cameron, I respect your opinion, but it makes no sense to me. More open?
Neither of those concepts apply here. The opportunity for educators to
obtain a quality product like Star Office versus MS Office doesn't
negate the Open Source roots of the former product. The products use
the same code base and SO is far more polished. You'll also find
educational templates available for SO. The So for kids site offers
better educational materials. Also:
If my child brings Star Office home and I see it and go for it, then the
community seems served. Getting Open Office from my child just says that
I can get an inferior product for free, also.
Open Office has lots of positives and extends the availablity beyond the
few platforms and localities of SO. But for the US and Western Europe,
Sun obviously would prefer SO disseminated via the educational community.
Of course if you prefer to support Microsoft, that's another matter.
OO is "more open" than SO.