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[school-discuss] Re: Membership Entry Notification
Dear Mr. Rufino,
We'd be glad to help. I'll forward this to Schoolforge-discuss in case some
others have ideas which they'd like to add.
Meanwhile, let's start by gathering some information about your school. It would
help any who would like to help you to know:
What ages are your students?
How many students do you have?
What facilities do you have (buildings, reliable electricity, books, computers)
What is the background of most of your students (local Dagupan?)
What is the background of most of your teachers (education level and computing
Do you belong to any educational groups?
Is your school govt.-supported or privately owned?
Do you have a board of directors?
If we make you a Web site, what purpose(s) could you see for it?
You don't need to write long answers, but it would be helpful for all of us to
know more about you and your school. You never know, this may be the start of
some good connections for you.
Best wishes.
David Bucknell
On behalf of Schoolforge Members
Quoting Rufino beltran <rufinobeltran@yahoo.com>:
> Dear Mr. David Bucknell
> Thank you very much for your response.
> Sir, I just established a school in the City of Dagupan, particularly located
> at Tebeng Road, Caranglaan Dist., Dagupan City, Province of Pangasinan,
> Philippines.
> Sir, I am very enthusiastic to learn from you and your school because I want
> to serve better the kids and their parents in imparting the needed learning
> experiences. I want also that my teachers be trained so that the needed
> learning expeirences be imparted to the kids.
> Thank you and I want to open a website so that i will be able to be online.
> Rufino C. Beltran
> David Bucknell <david@members.iteachnet.org> wrote:
> Dear Mr. Rufino C. Beltran,
> Thank you for your interest in Schoolforge, the coaltion of organizations
> fostering free and open source educational resources.
> We welcome membership by schools which support our goals and are willing to
> be
> seen as doing so, but we need a Web site that shows your commitment to our
> goals
> as explained on http://www.schoolforge.net. If you are developing a Web site,
> or
> would like to do so, and are sincerely interested in making use of free and
> open
> source resources as described on the sites below, please write back and
> we'll
> see how we can work together. If you are looking for just any
> technology-related
> help and would like to stick with commercial options for some reason, then
> Schoolforge is probably not for you. Please let us know where you and your
> school stand. I am assistant academic director for a small school in Thailand
> if
> you would like to compare notes.
> Best wishes,
> David Bucknell
> Sites with important Free / Open Source Information:
> http://www.opensource.org
> http://www.gnu.org
> http://www.schoolforge.net
> http://savannah.gnu.org/
> http://richtech.ca/seul/
> http://ofset.org/
> http://www.news.schoolforge.net
> http://www.sourceforge.net
> On behalf of the Schoolforge membership
> Quoting Seul/Edu Membership :
> >
> >
> > Name: Rufino C. Beltran
> > Url: http://
> > Description: school administrator of Sedes Sapientiae (Seat of Wisdom)
> > Learning Center, located in the city of Dagupan, Province of Pangasinan,
> > Philippines.
> > Contact: Rufino C. Beltran
> > Contact email:rufinobeltran@yahoo.com
> > Password: xyxyxyxyxy
> >
http://members.iteachnet.org/webzine *
http://opensourceschools.org *
http://www.rose-marie.ac.th *