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Vedran Vucic pravi:
If you look for people who work on deployment on free software in education,
I am one of those. :-)
If you need to know more about projects I am involved in , please let me know.
I'm IT teacher in a small elementary school in Lendava, Slovenia, and
interested in promoting OSS in education. Ministry of Education here
( started some project a few years ago and we got
Slovenian Linux distro (Pingo - ) and new PCs for all came
with dual boot.
But then, project died (ministry made a deal with MS and we all have
licenses for XP an Office now). Ministry stopped (actively) promoting
OSS there are no new educational applications being developed.
I'm running school server on Linux, but all classroom PCs (~30) are XP
(on new hardware) or W95 (very old hardware, P166MHz). Beside this, I'm
still very interested in using more OSS applications in my school and
very happy to hear all advices I can get.