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Re: [school-discuss] Open Source Publisher
Thanks Bruno. It looks pretty cool.
Their web site compares itself to Pagemaker which is a
professional program with a learning curve. I kind of
think of Pagemaker is to Publisher as Photoshop is to
Photodeluxe. The first being for the professional and
the second for the dabbler with simple needs. Until I
actually play with Scribus, I won't know for sure but
does it fill the niche for the user who is ready to
move on from doing desktop publishing in a word
processor to a page layout program. Publisher is not
for the DTP professional but for the person who needs
more power than a word processor. Thanks.
--- Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin@free.fr> wrote:
> Have a look to scribus:
> http://web2.altmuehlnet.de/fschmid/
> Bruno.
> Le lun 18/11/2002 � 17:38, David Tisdell a �crit :
> > Hi all,
> > Could someone recommend an opensource desktop
> > publishing program similar to Publisher. I am
> looking
> > for something that will work quickly and easily as
> we
> > begin working towards a migration to Linux on the
> > desktop. Teachers don't want to have a huge new
> > learning curve so it will need to be easy to learn
> if
> > they are going to use it with kids in the
> classroom.
> > Thanks
> > Dave
> >
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