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[school-discuss] News.Schoolforge.net ready for your news and ...
Dear Schoolforge Members and Supporters,
http://news.schoolforge.net and opensourceschools.org are now the same site.
It is/They are open for your news from your groups. Members are requested to
post their own stories. If you haven't signed up yet, please do so and let
David know you are a member representative so you get proper rights.
Please feel free to post this message to other groups interested in free or
open source tools for education.
Last year we ran many excellent articles on opensourceschools.org, thanks to
volunteer writers from the community. Topics were open. I suggest we continue
this, but add a bit of what we know people want. So, I propose the following
topic schedule for the "journal" part of the site:
December - Who and What? Please create log-ins and post information about you
and your project to supplement what's on the schoolforge membership list and,
of course, point to your sites. Add any information you have that answers the
question "what?" re free and open resources in education. This is where we
should put lists of projects and apps, texts, lessons, and comparisons to
tools used on other platforms, etc.
January - Why? This is a call for articles addressing the question of why
schools should use free and/or open source resources. You define what that
means and write an article based on your knowledge and experience. 500-2500
words (approximately). All serious attempts are likely to go; we'll let the
comments do the "peer review."
-Process? Drop David a line telling us what you'd like to contribute and when.
He'll put you on the schedule.
February - How? Ok, we know who, what, and why. Now we need to say how it's
done. You choose the services you think a particular audience wants, choose
the free and open source tools that you think do the job best, and explain how
you got them all working together. We need the infrastructure topics, of
course: linux, apache, mysql and postgres, php and perl, firewalls, NAT, ppp,
ADSL, ISBN, filters, proxies, log analyzers, file sharing (cross-platform),
backups, etc. But we also need info on specific apps, the move to the desktop,
thin clients, of course, and last, but not least, desktop apps themselves. 500
- 2500 words (approximately). Again, all serious attempts will be approved.
-Process? Same as above. Send David an e-mail saying what you're planning, so
he can put you on the schedule.
Meanwhile, please begin posting news and I'll get the old
opensourceschools.org archives in place so they can be used.
Best wishes,
http://members.iteachnet.org/webzine *
http://opensourceschools.org *
http://schoolforge.net *
http://www.over-seas.com *
http://www.rose-marie.ac.th *