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Re: [school-discuss] SlashDot asks how to promote FOSS EduWare
leon@brooks.fdns.net wrote:
We've put together a distance learning system for a college and the
system is being released under an open source license. Given the budget
we had, it was a decent sized system with enough features to go
toe-to-toe with Blackboard in many situations. The biggest problem
we're having right now is trying to find the appropriate people at
colleges/universities. How do you go about reaching decision makers on
something like this when the primary benefits of it is its open source
nature? Cost/freedom are great, but many schools wouldn't be getting
anything they don't already have, and would also have to go through the
pain of migration. In a perfect world this becomes something that other
schools could contribute to and build on, but getting that kind of
buy-in seems relatively difficult. What types of academic positions
would Slashdot readers recommend approaching (Deans? Presidents?
Webmasters? Teachers? IT People?) What types of approaches might work
best? Better yet, what's worked with -your- school to get them to adopt
an Open Source Education System?
Go ahead, make their day. (-:
Cheers; Leon
Two areas exist: Library Sciences and on-line education. University
libraries have the highest degree of acceptance to open source.
Microsoft seems to own the distance learning area.