On Nov 29, 2007 6:49 AM, CM <
mplcel@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello Gary,
Did you ear about Moodle? It's an open source application for
e-learning, is a Learning Management System (LMS) , it has a large
community around de world, is better than anyone (open or propietary
See http://www.moodle.org
Carina M.
Gary Dunn wrote:
> On the drive to work this morning I heard a nice piece on National Public Radio on distance learning,
a.k.a. E-learning. Tomorrow they will have a second installment focusing on technique. If you know someone who teaches on-line you should suggest they give a listen.
> This sot me thinking software and how E-learning began with established Internet protocols but quickly moved towards integrated, proprietary, commercial software.
> How is the FOSS community doing in this niche? Are there any good Foss distance learning applications? Real-time and asynchronous? Widely used?