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Re: [school-discuss] ShiftSpace
On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 05:33:29PM -0800, Joel Kahn wrote:
> Here's a FLOSS-related project to
> look at if you haven't seen it yet:
> http://www.shiftspace.org/
Not a very descriptive plug. ;) So for those curious, from the About page:
ShiftSpace is an open source layer above any website. It seeks to
expand the creative possibilities currently provided through the
web. ShiftSpace provides tools for artists, designers, architects,
activists, developers, students, researchers, and hobbyists to create
online contexts built in and on top of websites.
While the Internet.s design is widely understood to be open and
distributed, control over how users interact online has given us
largely centralized and closed systems. The web has followed the
physical transformation of the city.s social center from the (public)
town square to the (private) mall. ShiftSpace attempts to subvert this
trend by providing a new public space on the web.
By pressing the [shift] + [space] keys, a ShiftSpace user can invoke a
new meta layer above any web page to browse and create additional
interpretations, contextualizations and interventions . which we call
Shifts. Users can choose between several authoring tools we.re working
to develop . which we call Spaces. Some are utilitarian (like Notes
and Highlights) and some are more interventionist (like ImageSwap and
SourceShift). Users will be invited to map these shifts into
Trails. These trails can be used for collaborative research, curating
netart exhibitions or as platforms for context-based public debates.
The ShiftSpace Firefox extension is available for free download at
ShiftSpace.org. As described above, ShiftSpace is a platform that
offers a number of Spaces (tools) to manipulate Shifts (modifications)
on a web page.