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Re: [school-discuss] Reforging Schoolforge, summary of October's conversation and call for participation
On Tue, Nov 08, 2011 at 08:31:11AM -0800, David Bucknell wrote:
> * http://en.althigorinlinux.org/LTSP
> * http:ill//code.funnymonkey.com/doc/voiceboxitzgerald
Seems like the links got overpasted, here's what grepped out:
> * Case Studies.
BTW I've got a few more in Russian/Ukrainian (2002/2003),
including an approved teaching plan:
http://linux.kiev.ua/materials/School-Linux-Ternopyl/ [uk]
http://linux.kiev.ua/materials/OpenSrc-schools.html [uk]
http://linux.kiev.ua/materials/SlavUniver-edit.html [ru]
> * Materials for convincing people (teachers and decision
> makers) to use Free/Open Sources.
Rather to consider: use should be conscious.
"Known issues" maps are immensely useful that way.
> * Identify conferences/events for promoting FLOSS.
Just in case, we run the oldest xUSSR one and would be glad
to share some grassroots experience (started in 2002 with a
total budget of $100 IIRC).
> 3. _Projects Directory_: Projects that we should recommend or,
> at least mention that we know someone who uses them/it.
> (Justin and LM are well on their way to a quite substantial and
> up-to-date, as well as attractive list on the site. They are
> also making it pdf-able. So, they have already jumped ahead to
> prepare something they hope will be useful as we move forward.)
Yay! That was one of my favourite things back on seul.org/edu,
and we wanted (but never quite done) to bring up a sort of
a reference directory to find help locally -- which is easier
now but could become a problem ten years ago.
> 4. _PR for FLOSS_: Arguments for Free/Open Sources referencing
> the tools and resources we are willing to mention.
I'd try and add some anti-fanboyism: "things that aren't true
about FLOSS", like "completely safe online" [so one can ignore
updates] etc.
> I hope this message is clear enough to give you an idea of
> where we've been and where you might throw in your support
> next.
Definitely; thanks!
---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike@xxxxxxxxxxx>
------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/
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