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[school-discuss] What would they do with a $100.00 laptop?
"Steve Watts" <s-watts5@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> > 2. Assuming all students had a laptop issued to them, what would
> they do
> > with it? I am an employee of a high tech company, and we generally
> don't
> > buy a computer until we have a compelling reason to do so. Is
> there a site
> > or location where I can go to read about what a typical day for a
> laptop
> > equipped student might comprise?
As a matter of fact, I do! It's only one example, but it might help.
08.00/08.30 check e-mail
08.30/09.30 Photoshop/Bryce 3D/ Paintshop Pro/Poser/TuxPaint/?The
Story?/web page design
09.30/10.00 maybe some game, or more of the above
10.00/13.30 something else
13.30/15.30 more of the above, or some 'surfing around' chasing some
15.30/18.30 something else
18.30/ sometimes very late more of the above list.
An average conducted over three years of uninhibited access to
computers and the Internet.
Subject is male and now 13 years old. His brother, 5 years old, is
almost at the same usage level, with the exception of 'web design',
e-mail', about two hours less usage overall, and bedtime is 19.30.
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