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Re: [school-discuss] bootable CDs?
- To: schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [school-discuss] bootable CDs?
- From: Richard Houston <rhouston@xxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 23:30:31 -0500 (CDT)
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> Cool! Here's the ones we tend to use a lot at Brandon that have windows
> counterparts:
> TuxType
> TuxMath (Tux, of Math Command)
> TuxPaint
> Abiword
> Childsplay
> GCompris
K, I have add Tuxtypes, Tuxpaint including extra stamps, GCompris,
Childsplay and celestia so far. I have also updated Blender, OpenOffice,
Firefox (added 2.0 RC1), Gimp and Gimpshop and others. I'll let you know
as soon as the ISO is available. Please let me know of you would like to
see other titles included.
> Daniel