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[school-discuss] Free Seminar on Open Source Software in K-12 Schools - Looking for Venues
- To: "Support list for open source software in schools." <k12osn@xxxxxxxxxx>, schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [school-discuss] Free Seminar on Open Source Software in K-12 Schools - Looking for Venues
- From: "Steve Hargadon" <steve.hargadon@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 17:19:32 -0700
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On November 7th, from 7:00 - 8:30 pm, at the Plano ISD Sockwell Center
(just outside of Dallas), I'll be speaking on the use of Free and Open
Source Software in K-12 schools. This is free and open to the public.
Details are available at http://edtechlive.wikispaces.com/Workshops.
I will cover the use of Linux, Open Office, and many other programs
that can be used by K-12 schools to decrease their software licensing
costs, provide stable computing solutions, and introduce students to
collaborative programming. I run the Open Source labs for the CUE.org
and NECC ed tech shows, am currently working on a book for ISTE on
this topic, and have a weekly web radio show on educational technology
at EdTechLive.com.
I'm looking for other school or district venues where you think this
topic would be well-received, and to see if I might be able to
demonstrate enough interest to find a sponsor for a more national
tour. Please let me know if you feel your local school community
might be interested in this type of a presentation.
Thank you.
Steve Hargadon
916-899-1400 direct
www.SteveHargadon.com - (Blog on Educational Technology)
www.K12OpenSource.com (Public Wiki)
November 6 & 7, Plano, TX: Two-day intensive Moodle Training with
Michelle Moore
November 6 & 7, Plano, TX: Two one-day workshops on the use of blogs,
wikis, and podcasting in the classroom with Andrew Pass