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Re: [school-discuss] Philosophy: Teachers with Admin Privileges or Not

Justin wrote:
With K12LTSP growing in popularity, it might even make sense in some situations for a teacher to maintain a small collection of images on the server. Could this lead to a possible change in what the administrator & teacher
roles are in IT?
Excellent Justin!  I like the idea of multiple copies of the OS on the 
classroom server, perhaps one locked down that can always be recalled so 
basic functionality is always available, and others specialized and 
customizable by teachers in particular areas like music (a Musix image), 
math, etc.
Marilyn (and other teachers), how would that be for you, to have one 
image locked down you knew you could always count on for basic needs, 
but still have the freedom to do whatever you wanted with the other 

Daniel Howard
President and CEO
Georgia Open Source Education Foundation