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Re: [school-discuss] K12 science teachers
Dave Prentice wrote:
> Just curious, how many K12 classroom teachers are there on the list? I
> ask because somebody referred me to a science site, http://scitoys.com
> that has nothing to do with software but has some great classroom
> activities and demonstrations for free. I don't want to spam the
> tech-only folks, but this is a great resource for teachers.
> Dave Prentice
> prentice@instruction.com
> http://www.originsweb.info
Well, I'm a tech-only folk, but I still like to see this sort of thing.
I often forward this type of info to the teachers I know who don't read
the seul-edu list.
Jim Thomas Principal Applications Engineer Bittware, Inc
jthomas@bittware.com http://www.bittware.com (703) 779-7770
Nothing is ever so bad that it can't get worse. - Calvin