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Re: [school-discuss] Re: [seul-edu] Call for help
Roger has set up news.schoolforge.net to point to opensourceschools.org. I
sent the following to him meaning without looking at the address, thinking I
was responding to a list message. I wrote proposing some ideas for the
schoolforge-seul-edu supporters and members news site. Please read, comment,
castigate and chip in.
This would be - is great. I will do the update now.
Let me take this opportunity to ask folks who are members and - or supporters
of Schoolforge and Seul to keep in mind posting to news.schoolforge.net
whenever you've got an event or an idea or an app or a lesson plan or unit or
something relevant to fostering open source resources in education.
We'll put Les's latest apps up as the most prominent block, right? Any other
ideas would be welcomed.
Anyone with ideas about rearranging categories and content should also speak
BIG Question: should I change the logo to match Schoolforge? Fine by me -- I'm
cc-ing this to Brent Simpson, who designed opensourceschools.org's look (back
when it was well-kept, that is -- last year).
thanks for the new energy, Roger.
Quoting Roger Dingledine <arma@mit.edu>:
> On Wed, Sep 25, 2002 at 11:45:08PM +0700, David Bucknell wrote:
> > I am about to start badgering folks to contribute to opensource schools
> > regularly as it begins its second season Oct. 15th. I would like to
> propose
> > that, as Roger and Doug once suggestd, that we make opensourceschools.org
> the
> > /news address on schoolforge.net and change its name. I'd like to keep the
> url
> > working, but actually make the name Schoolforge News.
> From a technical perspective, it would be much easier to make you
> news.schoolforge.net, or to redirect schoolforge.net/news/ to
> opensourceschools.org. The reason for this is that it's hard for both
> places to be the actual "schoolforge.net" location.
> I would propose news.schoolforge.net, if we want to do this (and it sounds
> like a fine idea). In fact, I just set it up; now news.schoolforge.net
> shows the opensourceschools page.
> Hm. Except maybe some of the old-school people will be confused and
> think that we're talking about usenet. I dunno..we can ignore those
> people, right?
> --Roger
http://members.iteachnet.org/webzine - International Education Daily
http://opensourceschools.org - Open Source Schools Journal
http://schoolforge.net - Schoolforge Coalition for Open Educational Resources
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http://members.iteachnet.org/webzine - International Education Daily
http://opensourceschools.org - Open Source Schools Journal
http://schoolforge.net - Schoolforge Coalition for Open Educational Resources