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[school-discuss] [Open Admin] SIF/XML tools for Data Transfer.
Hi All,
Here is Saskatchewan, Canada the province just outlined the new SDS
(Student Data System) and school admin software (like my Open Admin)
will have to "talk" to the provincial system via an XML dialect
subsetted from SIF (School Interoperabilty Framework).
Open Admin is written in perl and there are lots of XML modules and the
LibWWW tools for the transport layer.
However,I was just wondering if anyone has constructed a more "specific"
solution to the SIF types of "transactions" etc. I don't really want to
re-invent things if it already exists.
The docs for this, if you're interested (and have the requisite MS tools
to read), are at:
They're putting them up in PDF as well; just not there yet.
Les Richardson
H. Hardcastle School