Here is one of the publicly displayed examples of STEMscopes curriculum.
The thing they are doing that is so amazing is embedding their text-to-speech feature in their code. In my experience with schools, they will not bother to enable their browsers to do text-to-speech. So it would be much better if you include that in your package.
I have been looking for Moodle or Drupal plugins that do text-to-speech.
On 25.09.2012 03:14pm, Bill Fitzgerald wrote:
The site is web-based - browser plugins could provide text to speech functionality, or the text to speech capabilities of any e-reader used by the learner.
Have these tools been adequate in your work? If not, what didn't work?Cheers,Bill
On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 1:07 PM, <marilyn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Have you included text-to-speech? That is so important for 30%+ of our students . . . those who do not read-to-learn. Hope so.
On 25.09.2012 02:45pm, Bill Fitzgerald wrote:
We are working on an install profile based in Drupal that will support collaborative lesson authoring, distribution of these lessons, and remixing of content from multiple sources into new texts.
We already have ePub export of these resources working (so that lessons authored within the site are immediately exportable into ePub readers) and are working on supporting mobi as well. We will also likely support RSS-based export of content as well.Our work (ie, the code that allows any school/person to set up an authoring platform) will be freely available as a Drupal-based install profile; additionally, we are planning on running an "open content barn raising" in January 2013, where we will have a face to face meeting (and likely virtual participation, if there is interest) where we will meet face to face with people and recontextualize existing open content that is in unfriendly formats (pdfs, word docs, etc) - at the end of this day, our goal is to work with teachers to create texts that can be used and adopted by anyone who wants them.I'll update this list with more info on the event in January, and on the install profile, as things progress.Cheers,Bill
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 9:17 AM, LM <lmemsm@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Ran across this article:
Would be nice to have some Creative Commons or Open Source versions of
this. If anyone knows some Open Source licenced sites that offer this
kind of thing, I'd like to add them to the wiki.
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