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SEUL: status update

The Linux Doc Project has accepted the latest version of our Commercial Port
Advocacy Mini-Howto. The CPAH is intended as an introductory guide for those
looking to convince companies to port their software to Linux.


This article on Linux security provides some good publicity for
Project Independence:
"Two flavors of Linux stand out in the fight to maintain the most secure
platform possible. Both the RedHat and the Independence distributions of
Linux have made significant proactive efforts to improve their out-of-box


This overview column from Byte discusses bringing Linux to the end-user.
"No, Linux doesn't seem ready for consumer prime-time -- yet. We need a                                      better-packaged, stripped-down ready-to-roll distribution (Hopefully,                                        efforts like the SEUL, the Simple End-User Linux initiative, will help us
get there)."


Version 0.5.2 of gPS is out.
gPS is a graphical process statistics tool for Unix, working like ps and
top.  It shows a process list, details of seleted processes, cpu, memory
and swap usage and history. It can also browse processes and statistics
about remote networked computers.
web:      http://gps.seul.org
tgz:      ftp://ftp.seul.org/pub/gps/gps-0.5.2.tar.gz
rpm:      ftp://ftp.seul.org/pub/gps/RPMS/gps-0.5.2-1.i386.rpm
changes:  new per-user CPU/memory demand, the user now may choose
          which columns of the process list remain visible, and some
          bug fixes.


Version v1.6.12r10 of ecasound is out.
Ecasound is a software package designed for multitrack audio processing. It
can be used for simple tasks like audio playback, recording and format
conversions, as well as for multitrack effect processing, mixing, recording
and signal recycling. Ecasound supports a wide range of audio inputs,
outputs and effect algorithms.
web:      http://www.wakkanet.fi/ecasound/
  http://ecasound.seul.org/download/ecasound-1.6.12r10.tar.gz (643kB)
  http://ecasound.seul.org/download/ecasound-1.6.12r10-1.src.rpm (646kB)
  http://ecasound.seul.org/download/ecasound-1.6.12r10-1.i386.rpm (845kB)
          - libraries, console-mode programs and all documentation
            dynamically linked to glibc 2.1.x and libstdc++ 2.10.0
  http://ecasound.seul.org/download/ecasound-qt-1.6.12r10-1.i386.rpm (100kB)
          - Qt-based user-interface, dynamically linked to Qt 2.x
  http://ecasound.seul.org/download/ecasound-devel-1.6.12r10-1.i386.rpm (42kb)
          - headers files needed for compiling other programs
            against ecasound libraries
changes:  support for 24-32bit audio formats and support for ALSA 0.5.
Multichannel noisegate, a new 2nd order lowpass filter and some ia-mode
commands added. Various bug fixes and low-level improvements.

The initial release of ecawave (0.1.0r1) is out.
Ecawave is a simple graphical audio file editor. The user-interface is based
on Qt libraries, while almost all audio functionality is taken directly from
ecasound libraries. As ecawave is designed for editing large audio files,
all processing is done direct-to-disk. Simple waveform caching is used to
speed-up file operations. Ecawave supports all audio file formats and effect
algorithms provided by ecasound libraries. This includes ALSA and OSS
soundcard support and common file formats like wav, cdr, raw, aiff, mp3, etc.
web:      http://www.wakkanet.fi/ecawave/
  http://ecasound.seul.org/download/ecawave-0.1.0r1.tar.gz (71kB)
  http://ecasound.seul.org/download/ecawave-0.1.0r1-1.src.rpm (74kB)
  http://ecasound.seul.org/download/ecawave-0.1.0r1-1.i386.rpm (111kB)

SEUL-Announce list, seul-announce-request@seul.org