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[seul-edu] New educational apps--various

I'm not sure that these are all new (haven't been mentioned before),
but here they are:



GnomeRSVP is a "Rapid Serial Visual Projector" similar to products
like AceReader.   In this dynamic representation of text, each word
is flashed on the screen one at a time in succession. The reader is
less inclined to "oralize" the text, rather the reader interprets
whole words as meaningful written symbols. Automatic re-reading of
adjacent previous text is therefore rendered impossible. This
results in much higher reading speeds than are possible with
standard techniques.

Grades XML Editor


The Grades editor provides a GUI with which you can edit a
Grades-XML file.  This file is easily transformed into an HTML
table, using an XSL stylesheet.  HTML tables for students and
teachers are generated automatically, including (periodic) averages.
Everything has been written in Java, so it should work on any

HorizonLive Distance Learning System


The HorizonLive Distance Learning System is a Web-based distance
learning system, designed to work with just about any Java-enabled
Web browser which work through firewalls and includes whiteboarding,
application sharing, automatic session archiving, live streaming
audio/video, a wizard of easy client setup, breakout rooms, private
messages, and more.



tkbabel/tclbabel are frontends to the babelfish translation
service.  tclbabel operates from the commandline, and tkbabel has a
[rather basic] GUI.

Web Teacher Evaluations


The Web Teacher Evaluations project is a couple of Perl CGI scripts
and some HTML pages that together comprise a real-life teacher
evaluation system. The HTML pages are geared towards the campus for
which they were originally developed, but they can serve as a
valuable template or quick start guide for developers. It currently
uses a flat-file for storing its data.

Word Inspector


Word Inspector is a graphical front-end to the "dict" program. The
dict program allows you to search through one or more
dictionary-like reference books for a word, then displays its
definition. Word Inspector expands that by allowing you to enter
words to look up more easily, easily look up words that appear in
the definition for another word, and automatically look up a word in
the X Windows selection.

Doug Loss                 God is a comedian playing
Data Network Coordinator  to an audience too afraid
Bloomsburg University     to laugh.
dloss@bloomu.edu                Voltaire