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Some code. was: Re: !!! sync digest: All in one letter
> >
> > Can that person advice us how to do it with more
> > order than it is now?
>post code post code post code
>post code post code post code post code.
Yes. This is good advice which I will try to follow it with QZB!
BTW, I have a small Perl utility for parsing ini-files. Its
very small (6 Kb) and I have not submitted it to metalab or
freshmeat, because I am not sure if it is worth it.
Is anybody here interested in such utility?
Anyway, it is so short that I attached it :-P
Please, enjoy!
And test it ;-)
This program (ini-file parser) is something I wish I had for
What do you think about using ini-file format?
Sincerely yours,
Roman A. Suzi
-- Petrozavodsk -- Karelia -- Russia --
-- powered by Linux RedHat 5.1 --
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$ver="forconf 0.9";
# inspired by the program 'conf' written by Breyten Ernsti
$usage= <<EOH
$ver * Reads/writes INI-style files
(c) 1998 Roman A.Susi, rnd\@sampo.karelia.ru
Because the program is licensed free of charge, there is no
warranty for the program. Read well-known GPL for the terms of
use & distribution.
forconf -r|-w -s <section> [-k <key> [-d <default-value>]]
[<in-file>] [-o <out-file>]
[-c <comment-chars>] [-fmt <format-string>]
forconf -h | --help
forconf -v | --version
where %k and %e can be used in <format-string> to print-out key
and entry respectively (this switch is not used in -w mode).
forconf -r -s S -k=K -d D -c ';#' -fmt "%k = %e" /etc/smb.conf
-- show key K value in section S in the special format
forconf -w -s=S -- deletes section S
forconf -w -s S -k K -- deletes entry K in section S
forconf -w -s=S -k K -d E -- changes entry K in section S to E
# man Getopt::Long
use Getopt::Long;
'-r' => \$rmode,
'-w' => \$wmode,
'-c=s' => \$comment,
'-comment=s' => \$comment,
'-s=s' => \$section,
'--section=s' => \$section,
'-k=s' => \$key,
'--key=s' => \$key,
'-d=s' => \$default,
'--default=s' => \$default,
'-o=s' => \$out,
'--strip' => \$strip,
'--output=s' => \$out,
'--fmt=s' => \$fmt,
'-v' => \$version,
'--version' => \$version,
'-h' => \$help,
'--help' => \$help
if ($version) { print "$ver\n"; exit (0);};
if (not ($rmode or $wmode))
print STDERR "ERROR: mode switch not found.\n";
if ($help or not ($rmode or $wmode) or ($#ARGV >0))
print $usage;
if (!$section and !$wmode)
print STDERR "ERROR: Which section?\n";
if ($default and !$key)
print STDERR "ERROR: Default without key.\n";
# make sure OUT =! IN (if IN =! STDIN)
if ( ($in eq $out) and !($in eq "-") )
print STDERR "ERROR: in and out are same file. Not supported yet.\n";
open IN, "< $in" or die "File '$in' not found.";
open OUT, "> $out" or die "Can't open '$out'.";
# do we need to escape escape chars?
$fmt =~ s/\%e/\$e/g;
$fmt =~ s/\%k/\$k/g;
$namec ="\[A-Za-z0-9_ \]";
$cursec=""; # empty section at the beg
if ($rmode)
while ( <IN> )
s/\s*$cmatch.*$//go; # once compiled pattern here and below /o !!!
if ( /\s*\[($namec*$namecl)\]\s*/o )
if ($cursec eq $section )
if ($c=~/\s*($namec*$namecl)\s*\=\s*(.*)\s*/o )
if ($key)
if ( $k eq $key )
print OUT "$e";
} }
print OUT eval('"'.$fmt.'"');
} } } } }
if ($done==0) { print OUT "$default"; };
if ($wmode)
# in wmode we print everything and change
# only specified things
# -s -k -d action
# + 1 delete the whole section
# + + 2 delete entry
# + + + 3 change entry
# 0 none
if ($section)
if ($key)
if ($default)
} } };
if ($action==1)
while ( <IN> )
if ($strip) { $o=$_."\n"; if ($o eq "\n") {$o="";} }
if ( /\s*\[($namec*$namecl)\]\s*/o )
if ( $cursec eq $section) { $o=""; };
if ($c=~/\s*($namec*$namecl)\s*\=\s*(.*)\s*/o )
if ( $cursec eq $section) { $o=""; };
} }
print OUT $o;
} }
if ($action==2)
while ( <IN> )
if ($strip) { $o=$_."\n"; if ($o eq "\n") {$o="";} }
if ( /\s*\[($namec*$namecl)\]\s*/o )
if ( ($cursec eq $section) and
($c=~/\s*($namec*$namecl)\s*\=\s*(.*)\s*/o) )
if ( $k eq $key ) { $o=""; };
} }
print OUT $o;
} }
if ($action==3)
while ( <IN> )
$o=$_; chomp;
if ($strip) { $o=$_."\n"; if ($o eq "\n") {$o="";} }
if ( /\s*\[($namec*$namecl)\]\s*/o )
if ( ($cursec eq $section) and
($c=~/\s*($namec*$namecl)\s*\=\s*(.*)\s*/o) )
if ( $k eq $key )
$o = $k."=".$default."\n";
} } }
print OUT $o;
} }
if ($action==0)
while ( <IN> )
$o=$_; chomp;
if ($strip) { $o=$_."\n"; if ($o eq "\n") {$o="";} }
print OUT $o;
} }
# that is all, folks!