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Re: [seul-edu] TINY install report

(sorry for the delay, I had an ISP breakdown...)

Chris Ellec wrote:
> Odile,
> I'd like to report on a Tiny installation I started this week end.
> I used a laptop Compaq 486, 120M HD, 8M ram, modem and floppy. I had a Debian
> install on it, so I knew the video and the modem can work under Linux.
> I downloaded the utils and base (A ) package. In Red Hat, unzip is not part of
> the distribution, so I got one from Freshmeat.

We chose 'zip' format, so there is only one format, the same for Linux
or DOS. Otherwise we should have 2, it takes twice the space and
installations instructions wouln't be so clear too
> A couple of the 12 floppies had bad sectors on them, so the install didn't
> work right the first time. I threw them away and started over....
> I then installed the N package, configured the modem, and logged on my ISP !
> Yeah !
> I got the SVGA server and started downloading the xbase but the modem hang up
> before the 14M had made it all the way .... I'll try again today.
> Comments so far:
> The A and N package took about 45M of the HD, with the swap, that leaves about
> 50M extra. I guess with X and other goodies, I won't have much left when I'm
> done.
> This should work fine for any old 386 or 486. The only problem is the time to
> install. Assuming you have all your floppies ready, it will still take at
> least an hour for A and N package, and probably another hour to go through the
> X package.
> Then at the local computer store, you can get NE2000 ISA network card for $10
> (new) and a 4 way hub for $25, and your classroom network is ready !

TINY is made not only for those situations where you actually have a
network and/or a local computer store
> Problems:
> The only major problem was that lilo didn't install automatically, I had to
> set it up by hand. 

I'm surprised, but if so we will fix it

>I also had to create the fstab file.  It just wasn't there.
> It will help if the person doing the install has experience doing slackware
> distribution install.
> A few items I would suggest adding in your readme file:
> - Have at least 20 floppies available before you start

or, alternatively, 14 floppies + zip or laplink (if you do not want to
use your floppies twice)
or 2 floppies + zip (this will come soon).

> - with 8 M of RAM, you have to set up the swap by hand before you can run
> setup. (or setup will crash)

We have to write a note on using TINY with 8 MB, because at first we
intend it for at least 12

> - I don't know what the ifup0 that you refer to is.
> - After you install the A package, you need the N package before you can use
> the modem.
> - use pppsetup to setup your ISP connection, then ppp-go to connect

that's right
I have to change this point and we should write ppp-config as well. 

Thanks for your test, please tell me what you will do with it, which
applications you run... because alas there is little choice anyway with
applications, with so little HD and RAM. You can try Ted or W3M if you

Odile B�nassy,