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Re: [seul-edu] schoolforge members
Roger Dingledine a �crit :
> I started a list of current members of the Schoolforge coalition.
> http://schoolforge.net/members.html
> It isn't pretty and it hasn't been integrated with the rest of the site
> yet, but that comes later.
> Did I leave anybody out so far?
yes please : us at
libresoftware-educ.org !
thanks !
> People I'd like to send mail to when we do:
> (and we should send this mail in a few days at most)
> * KDE-edu
> Are there other major Linux in education players that it would be nice
> to get on board before we launch this thing?
> --Roger
Odile B�nassy
Protectrice de l'Innovation contre les Brevets http://swpat.ffii.org/
95000/300 votes/bo�tes contre le brevet logiciel
(cf http://www.april.org/articles/faq/faq.html#AEN398)