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Re: Looking for Derive workalikes

On Sat, 30 Jan 1999 01:22:11 +0100, "Odile B�nassy" <obenassy@magic.fr> wrote:
> Derive is well known, and widely used by educators; I think this is
> because it is simple to install and to use.
> But on the other hand, a lot of more advanced people (I mean: more
> advanced in computing issues) say that it is a very limited tool. Most
> of them like Mathematica, and some, like me, prefer Maple.

Is there anything along these lines that is logiciels libre?  Or at least reasonably priced?

> So you see: I know little on the subject, but it would be a _very_ good
> idea to do something like Derive, or better, for Linux.
> Why don't you ask St�fane Fermigier, 
> "fermigie@math.jussieu.fr" ?
> I think he is quite a good specialist of these questions.
I'm not familiar with him; could you contact him for us and see if he would be interested in joining our discussion?

> Then: about math and tutorials, you have:
> - experimenting with geometric things, like Cabri G�om�tre and what
> Hilaire Fernandes does.

Could you elaborate on Cabri Geometre (sorry for the lack of diacriticals)?  I'm unfamiliar with it.

> - quizz-robots, like Roman Suzi is doing and myself trying hard, but
> slowly, because nobody would work with me :-( 

Roman is a nice guy; I can't believe he wouldn't work with you if you asked him politely :-)

Doug Loss            Democracy substitutes election by the
dloss@csrlink.net    incompetent many for appointment by
(717) 326-3987       the corrupt few.
                        George Bernard Shaw