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Re: GPeriodic Annoucement draft

Pete St. Onge wrote:
> *** DRAFT ***
> - Other suggested changes include:
>   - Changing button background colours to reflect normal state of
>     element (solid / liquid / gas) or series (nobles, etc)
>   - Html pages describing elemental characteristics, etc. which
>     would be accessed then the individual elements are right-clicked
>     on. This would be a good project for a high-school chem class.
I have no trouble with any of the text here, but I'd like to suggest a
couple of changes to the suggested changes.  I think having the button
background colors reflect the elemental series is a good idea.  How
about having a middle button click pop up a graphic showing transition
temperatures from solid to liquid to gas, as a stacked bar graph? 
Perhaps blue for solid, yellow for liquid, and red for gas.  Something
like this:

   |          |
   |  Gas     |
   |  (Red)   |
   |__________| 200 C
   |          |
   |  Liquid  |
   |  (Yellow)|
   |__________| 50 C
   |          |
   |  Solid   |
   |  (Blue)  |

The HTML pages are a very good idea, but for consistency's sake there
should be some sort of template for the entries listing just what
information each elemental page should have.

Doug Loss                 The difference between the right word and
Data Network Coordinator  the almost right word is the difference
Bloomsburg University     between lightning and a lightning bug.
dloss@bloomu.edu                Mark Twain