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[seul-edu] IT4School Information technology for all schools

Here is a site by a local guy here in Stockton., CA, an his own words
about what he is up to.

" ...I am sort of in competition with blackboard.com and
powerschool.com.  But the stuff I did is GPL.  I just like to see
schools use open source stuff,
including LINUX, instead of letting computer sitting idle or being used
only as a typewriter, because lack of money. ... "


Title: IT4School Information technology for all schools
.org .com   Information Technology for all schools

The demo serves as a template application, or illustration of functionality, of it4school system. You almost always want to customize the look and feel if you choose to use the package.

Currently there are four it4school application scenarios:

  1. a higher education institution

    In this scenario, there are three groups of users in the system: teachers, students,and school administrators.

    School administrators

    School administrators have to be set up in the it4school installation process. Once being setup, s/he can do following:
    • maintain teacher/staff directory information.
    • maintain school announcements for all audiences.
    • maintain school facility information, classrooms, etc.
    • maintain course catalog.
    • maintain course schedule.
    • maintain course homework assignments.
    • maintain personal information.


    A teacher is setup by the administrator. The setup can be done manually, or mass imported from other data sources. Currently, a teacher can do following:
    • view general as well as teacher/staff specific announcements.
    • view his/her own teaching schedule set up by the administrator.
    • maintain course announcements and assignments s/he is responsible for.
    • review homework hand-in by the student.
    • on-line discussion board for each homework for each student
    • grade homework on-line.

    In future releases of it4school, a teacher will be able to do following as well:
    • integrate with various quiz and testing software.
    • access to course specific chat-rooms
    • maintain personal information.


    A student in the demo is created by register as a new uses in the system. In reality, student list and student class registration info should be mass-imported from other systems, or replicated from LDAP services such as Novell NDS, etc. Currently a student can do following:

    • view school general and student specific announcements
    • view his/her own course schedule.
    • view his/her homework assignment
    • hand-in homework on-line.
    • hand-in homework on-line.
    • on-line discussion board about each homework.
    • maintain personal information.

    In future releases of it4school, a teacher will be able to do following as well:
    • access to course specific chat rooms.
    • view homework related report on-line.
  2. a single K-12 school

    A single K-12 school is similar to a higher education institution, with an additional group of users in the system: parents. Parental involvement is crucial in K12 education, and it is natural the system can let parents participate as well.

    In the it4school system, the parents are can access the same information their child(ren) can, except hand-in homework. In the demo, parents get into the system by register as new users in the system. Again, in reality this registration process needs verification.

  3. a higher education institution with multiple campus

    It is possible that an institution needs to have central data repository, such as teach/staff directories, course catalog, etc., while the data is maintained at different operational unit, such as departments and campuses.

    It4school is designed to be completely distributed, including multiple databases and multiple web-publishers/application servers, etc. In this scenario, each campus/departments is just like the independent institution in the first scenario, and s/he can maintain the data related to her/his own environment, while there is an additional use in the system, we call it super-admin. The super-admin's main responsiblities are to maintain the application and to maintain the administrators for each campus.

  4. a K-12 school district:

    A K12 school district is similar to the last scenario with parental participation.

    Currently, a parent can have more than one child attending more than one school in the same district.

a singleK-12 school

a K-12 school district

a higher education institution

a higher education institution with multiple campuses


Technology in a Nutshell



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