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[seul-edu] Reservations about Wikis: Site tools for Schoolforge
Ok. If I'm wrong, please point out how. My reservations about Wiki's for
curriculum are:
1) Although they allow many to participate, they are not group project
collaboration tools like sourceforge -- they are really for many individuals
who work on the same site. I see this as different from forming a team,
working in a direction together.
2) Wiki's tend to allow all and any idea; this is not likely to grow into a
curriculum, but into an accumulation of stuff. It can go in any direction. I
think a good curriculum leadsin a direction. A curriculum needs a direction
and an easy way to navigate its parts. Most of all it needs articulation from
one area/level to another. Does the Wiki afford that?
3) Wiki's usually allow anyone to edit anything. If that's not likely to work
for a computer program, why would it work for curricula?
The thing I admire about sourceforge is that it parallels the open source
development process. I think it is this process that fits well with education
so I would like to find a way to make sure it is not forgotten because of the
tool we choose.
Jeff Nelson <jtnelson@emirates.net.ae> said:
> David, could you clarify what you see as wikis' deficiencies?
> Thanks
> Jeff
> > Again, I am not in favor of the Wiki as a curriculum tool.
David M. Bucknell
Fax: (US) 775-244-0803