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Re: [seul-edu] Open Admin for Schools Feedback/Question
We have 2 semesters each made up of 3 6-week periods. There are 6
report cards in a year.
On Sat, 2002-11-02 at 01:39, Les Richardson wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm wrapping my head around the problem of creating report cards for the
> Open Admin system. I'm trying to create a system that is quite general in
> scope and relatively easily customized. There is a trade off since trying
> to be all things to all people will generally fail and it might be better
> to create simpler code that is easier to customize for specific needs,
> rather than create gigantic code to cover all possible cases.
> This leads to my question:
> How many "terms" or sections of a school year throughout the world in
> schools of users on this list? I'm planning for either 3 or 4 terms per
> school year. Are there others? (ie. a lot of others?)
> Since this system reports on attendance as part of the report card, I have
> to slice the school year up into terms, calculate the number of school days
> per term, and then check this against student records to generate stats.
> However this leads to the problem of how many terms to allow for in laying
> out the report in a table format since normally one wants to go across:
> Attendance Term 1 Term 2 Term 3, etc. How far to go....
> This is also a problem for reporting subjects since we again would like to
> go across the page with the different term values:
> Science Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
> and different numbers of terms require different table layouts. I was
> going to stick with options for 3 or 4, but what are the needs?
> Les Richardson
> H. Hardcastle School
> Edam, Sk. Canada