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[seul-edu] ISO Phase 3

OK, we're beginning to get a list of apps that have passed Phase 2
(mostly de facto, since they're already in use in schools).  It's
time to think about Phase 3, the packaging of the apps.

It's important that we get these apps packaged as DEBs, RPMs, and
TGZs.  All three versions of each app have to be at the same
level--we can't be seen as favoring any packaging system over
another.  I have an interesting idea about how we can accomplish

As you know, there is a subproject of Debian called DebianEdu.  They
already are packaging some educational apps, including ones we will
want to include, as DEBs.  They clearly have the resources to do
this properly.  I'm pretty sure that their packages are LSB
compliant, too.

There is also a Linux program named alien which freely converts
packages between DEB, RPM, TGZ, and a few other packaging systems.

I think that we should submit Debian RFPs (requests for packaging)
for each of the packages we want to include on our ISO to
DebianEdu.  When the packages are created, we can include them in
our ISO image as they stand and also pass them through alien to
generate the equivalent RPMs and TGZs.  I think this would let us
get the ISO created much more quickly than if we do all the
packaging ourselves.

Raphael Hertzog of DebianEdu is on this mailing list (I'm pretty
sure), so I'm not proposing anything behind anyone's back here.  I
like to think of this idea as both trying to help DebianEdu get a
full suite of educational apps and allowing other distros to gain
access to a similar suite.  I'd also like to encourage anyone here
to help DebianEdu do this packaging if you feel capable of it.
They're certainly willing to have the help!

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Doug Loss                 All I want is a warm bed
Data Network Coordinator  and a kind word and
Bloomsburg University     unlimited power.
dloss@bloomu.edu                Ashleigh Brilliant