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RE: Major interview

> Roman Kirsanow has talked to Liz Coolbaugh from Linux Weekly 
> News about
> doing an interview on the state of Linux in education (more or less). 
> He's asked me and Jose Lacal from OpenClassroom to also take part. 
> There hasn't been a date scheduled yet for this interview, so I figure
> we have a bit of time to discuss what things we should focus on.

That's GREAT!

> OK, folks.  What should our approach be in this interview?  

We do have several texts with as many arguments for linux in education one
might want..  There are many things that we have, not so much because the
system or the programs, as because the tradition.  We have a kind of
cooperation and a common precence on the internet that is hard to find with
other systems.  A project like seul-edu, that tries to get all educational
efforts for linux to come together and join their efforts couldn't really
exist in an all proprietary environment.  This is something you get with the
freedome..  .. just watch it so that we don't scare the few proprietary
interests away (even if I myself is somewhat idealistic free software ..
they will get more public interrest in the system as whole).

 / EOF