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Re: Nov. meeting with Squeak team--call for discussion

Scott Raney wrote:
> 2) Download a copy of the MetaCard Starter Kit and the MetaTalk
>    Programmer package from the MetaCard WWW site
>    http://www.metacard.com/  The current UI doesn't look like
>    HyperStudio, but one that does could be constructed very easily (a
>    miniscule fraction of what would be required to do the same with
>    Squeak).

Scott, I just looked at the site and see the Starter Kit download files
for Linux, but the Programmer package only for Mac and Windows.  Is
there a Linux version of Programmer, or will one or the other of the
versions I saw work with the Starter Kit?

Doug Loss                 The difference between the right word and
Data Network Coordinator  the almost right word is the difference
Bloomsburg University     between lightning and a lightning bug.
dloss@bloomu.edu                Mark Twain