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Re: Some unanswered questions about SEUL (plz ack!)

Erik Walthinsen wrote:

> I don't know if I'd call it "GPL bigotry", and I don't rule out all non-GPL'd
> stuff, but from what you say in two paragraphs down the license as it stands
> may be too much of a hurdle.  If you have to spend $2000 to sell programs
> based on it, that can seriously limit small companies with good software
> starting up.  If SEUL uses Qt, and they don't have the startup capital to do
> it, they don't get the "SEUL stamp of approval" or whatever, and they can't
> do it.

One more thing I was thinking but forgot to put in the last msg was that
the window manager and Qt have nothing to do with the applications we
can support.  I'm currently running Netscape under KDE and it works just
fine.  We would want to have any SEUL specific API's be completely based
on free software, no doubt about that.  But that doesn't *necessarily*
mean we can't use the KDE window manager, and there are plenty of
software projects in progress for it (all freeware).  So it *does* seem
like a good idea to me, *IF* it's the best.

RedHat 5 uses Afterstep...let's see how that works.  It may be just as

I'm debating whether to upgrade to RH 5 or not...I might just wait until
5.1 or 6.  Seems like most of the new features have to do with the
installer, except the tape backup program (which I want, and yes, I'd
buy the box set).

> Believe it or not, that's precisely what I'd prefer.  The vast majority of
> what we do will be exactly what you say above.  However, as I mentioned in
> the original message draft to seul-project, once we get around to doing
> everything that needs doing to make Linux a better place for end users, we
> will have touched everything there is to touch.  At that point, we can go one
> of two ways: 1) leave it at that, and let others take pieces of our work as
> they see fit, or 2) actually create a distribution.

I'd say give others the *chance* to do it with our stuff.  If they
don't, we make the distrib.  Simple enough?  :-)
SEUL-Leaders list, seul-leaders-request@seul.org