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SEUL: Text editors: update
Sorry to put this on the project list. My attempt to post to the other
lists was unsuccesful.
I have updated the page on text editors.
It now includes a detailed description of the GUI editors (summary of all
keybindings and menu options)
I have reviews of:
Console: Mcedit, ee, pico, jed, joe (jpico)
GUI: TkDesk editor, MEdit, Xenon, Xcoral.
To DO: Cooledit and textedit (XView).
Of the GUI editors, TkDesk editor looks the best so far. But it requires
Tcl/Tk 4.2/7.6. ( is there any reason that we'd need to ship Tcl/Tk 8.0
anyway ?)
All the console editors look quite good, though Mcedit and jed are fairly
bulky. (maybe there's a way to make mcedit smaller)
-- Donovan