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[tor-bugs] #5586 [Obfsproxy]: obfsproxy FTBFS: test suite failure

#5586: obfsproxy FTBFS: test suite failure
 Reporter:  weasel     |          Owner:  asn             
     Type:  defect     |         Status:  new             
 Priority:  normal     |      Milestone:                  
Component:  Obfsproxy  |        Version:  Obfsproxy: 0.1.3
 Keywords:             |         Parent:                  
   Points:             |   Actualpoints:                  
 failure during test suite:
 managed/bindaddr_validation: OK
 util/asprintf: OK
 29 tests ok.  (0 skipped)
 PASS: unittests
 FAIL: test_socks4_transfer (__main__.SocksObfs2)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "./tester.py", line 297, in test_socks4_transfer
     ( (0, 90, SERVER_PORT, 127, 0, 0, 1), "!BBH4B" ) ])
   File "./tester.py", line 288, in socksTest
     self.fail("\n" + report)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "./tester.py", line 271, in socksTest
     output = self.socksTestInner(sequence, input_chan)
   File "./tester.py", line 251, in socksTestInner
     self.assertEqual(got, exp)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/case.py", line 511, in assertEqual
     assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/case.py", line 504, in
     raise self.failureException(msg)
 AssertionError: '' != '\x00Z\x13\x88\x7f\x00\x00\x01'
 obfsproxy server stderr:
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [notice] Starting (git-8cf684e052cf290e).
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] Configuration 1: obfs2 --dest=
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] obfs2: Parsed options nicely!
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] Now listening on for protocol
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: new connection from [scrubbed]
 (1 total)
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: server connection
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [info] [scrubbed] (obfs2): Successful outbound
 connection to '[scrubbed]'.
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: setup complete
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: pending_conn_cb
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: Successful connection
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] obfs2_handshake: responder queued 2333 bytes
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [info] Closing all listeners.
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [notice] Got SIGINT. Preparing shutdown.
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] Beginning normal shutdown.
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] error_cb for [scrubbed]: what=0x0011
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [info] EOF from [scrubbed]
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] error_or_eof for [scrubbed]
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] Closing connection with [scrubbed]; 1
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] Closing connection with [scrubbed]; 0
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] Finishing shutdown.
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [notice] Exiting.
 obfsproxy client killed: signal 6
 obfsproxy client stderr:
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [notice] Starting (git-8cf684e052cf290e).
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] Configuration 1: obfs2 socks
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] obfs2: Parsed options nicely!
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] Now listening on for protocol
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: new connection from [scrubbed]
 (1 total)
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: socks client connection
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: setup complete
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: socks_read_cb
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] Got version 4
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [info] [scrubbed]: socks: trying to connect to
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: downstream_read_cb, 2333 bytes
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [error] assertion failure at src/network.c:741:

 FAIL: test_socks5_transfer (__main__.SocksObfs2)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "./tester.py", line 302, in test_socks5_transfer
     ( (5, 0, 0, 1, 127, 0, 0, 1, SERVER_PORT), "!8BH" ) ])
   File "./tester.py", line 288, in socksTest
     self.fail("\n" + report)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "./tester.py", line 271, in socksTest
     output = self.socksTestInner(sequence, input_chan)
   File "./tester.py", line 251, in socksTestInner
     self.assertEqual(got, exp)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/case.py", line 511, in assertEqual
     assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/unittest/case.py", line 504, in
     raise self.failureException(msg)
 AssertionError: '' != '\x05\x00\x00\x01\x7f\x00\x00\x01\x13\x88'
 obfsproxy server stderr:
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [notice] Starting (git-8cf684e052cf290e).
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] Configuration 1: obfs2 --dest=
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] obfs2: Parsed options nicely!
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] Now listening on for protocol
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: new connection from [scrubbed]
 (1 total)
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: server connection
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [info] [scrubbed] (obfs2): Successful outbound
 connection to '[scrubbed]'.
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: setup complete
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: pending_conn_cb
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: Successful connection
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] obfs2_handshake: responder queued 4135 bytes
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [info] Closing all listeners.
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [notice] Got SIGINT. Preparing shutdown.
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] Beginning normal shutdown.
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] error_cb for [scrubbed]: what=0x0021
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [info] Error talking to [scrubbed]: Connection reset
 by peer
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] error_or_eof for [scrubbed]
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] Closing connection with [scrubbed]; 1
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] Closing connection with [scrubbed]; 0
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] Finishing shutdown.
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [notice] Exiting.
 obfsproxy client killed: signal 6
 obfsproxy client stderr:
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [notice] Starting (git-8cf684e052cf290e).
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] Configuration 1: obfs2 socks
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] obfs2: Parsed options nicely!
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] Now listening on for protocol
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: new connection from [scrubbed]
 (1 total)
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: socks client connection
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: setup complete
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: socks_read_cb
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] Got version 5
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] socks: request packet is too small (1).
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: socks_read_cb
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [info] [scrubbed]: socks: trying to connect to
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [debug] [scrubbed]: downstream_read_cb, 4096 bytes
 | 2012-04-07 21:42:37 [error] assertion failure at src/network.c:741:

 for the complete log

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