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[tor-bugs] #19969 [Core Tor/Tor]: tor client does not immediately open new circuits after standby

#19969: tor client does not immediately open new circuits after standby
     Reporter:  weasel        |      Owner:
         Type:  defect        |     Status:  new
     Priority:  Medium        |  Milestone:
    Component:  Core Tor/Tor  |    Version:  Tor:
     Severity:  Normal        |   Keywords:
Actual Points:                |  Parent ID:
       Points:                |   Reviewer:
      Sponsor:                |
 Viktor writes via https://bugs.debian.org/835119:

 I use tor only as a client to connect icedove to the tor network with
 the extension Torbirdy (on port 9050). With the tor version I
 can't immediately connect to any mail server or news feed after the pc
 woke up from standby ("long" time in standby) and I started icedove. I
 have to wait for several minutes in order to connect successfully, but
 the timespan seems to be random. This does not occur after a (re)boot.
 The first version I remember to have this issue is, I did an
 upgrade from to, so I skipped the alpha and rc
 versions and the first upload to unstable. I am very sure that the issue
 didn't occur in version which I used for several months. I can
 exclude network connectivity problems because e.g. I can immediately
 start the Tor Browser after standby.

 Today I purged tor, installed version, copied the old "state"
 file to /var/lib/tor, and set the pc in standby mode for a couple of
 minutes. After waking up from standby I immediately tried to connect to
 a mail server which worked. Then I upgraded step by step to every
 version of tor 0.2.8 which I could find on snapshot.debian.org and tried
 to connect to a mail server immediately after waking up from standby.
 Unfortunately I could not reproduce the bug then. Finally with version the bug occured again, but only after a "long" standby time
 (almost 90 minutes).

 Attached are two log files from the weekend and the complete log from
 today after the installation of version

 As you can see, the bug is not easily reproducible, and the logs don't
 show any particular reason for why tor does not open new circuits
 immediately. Please tell me what I can do to give you more information
 about the bug.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/19969>
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